Goggle (Oneshot)
Mangaka Toyoda Tetsuya
Genre(s) drama, seinen, slice of life
Year 2003
Volumes 1
Summary taken from Baka-Updates
A stubborn young girl comes tumbling into the barren wasteland of the lives of these two men. She can't take off her goggles, and the reason is...
Scanlated by NCIS
Translation A
Scan Quality A+
Editing Quality A-
Most oneshots are either a quick shot of smut, or have a nice story, but are really too short to pique your interest. Goggle is one of those very rare oneshots that is just right the way it is, and I thought it was a really sweet little story. I admit, I'm a sucker for stories where a young adult and a kid become attached to each other. It's a simple story and definitely predictable, but it's not trying to do too much in its 58 pages, and so I say it's just right.


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