Sailor Moon Week Day 2: Sims 3 Tattoos

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

I really, really wanted one of my Sims to have Sailor Moon's Cosmic Compact tattood on her chest. In fact, that's the original idea that grew into an entire week of Sailor Moon blog posts.

And so, for the second day of Sailor Moon Week, here are nineteen tattoos. These are not "accessory tattoos," and thus require the Ambitions expansion pack. Most of them are enabled for ladies only, except for the three planetary symbol tattoos. If you wish to have any enabled for male Sims, it's very easy--you will find the instructions at the bottom of this post.

How to enable these for males
1) Open the .package file in s3pe.
2) Highlight the CASP file.
3) Click the Grid button at the bottom.
4) Set the thing to the thing.
5) Hit the Commit button, and save the file.

Tattooinator by CmarNYC
Spiral Heart Rod by Mc-Malice
Disguise Pen by OakEvolution
Planetary Circles by ofLoveAndBeauty

logo by Bleuette | Sailor Moon image by 朱雀町四丁目


Anonymous said...

You Are Awesome I love Sailor Moon... these will look great. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

These are amazing! Thank you so much!

Anonymous said...

I pretty much died and went to heaven! Thank you!

Unknown said...

how do i apply this to my game?

Anonymous said...

Thank you <3

Pierre M said...

Great read tthanks

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