In my never-ending quest to expand my Sims 3 creation resume, I have decided to share a community lot. I wasn't originally intending on creating a community lot for sharing but (a) I really needed a community lot with more to do so as to attract more Sims (b) I love the beach, (c) the default beach lot was boring, and (d) I think it came out pretty fabulous so what the hey.
This is Simtinton Beach, oh-so-cleverly named after Huntington Beach here in Southern California, home of the sushi bar that serves the Hello Kitty roll. Which, in case that wasn't obvious based on the name alone, is amazing.
I created this lot with the intention of my Sim never having to ever go home. Because who would ever want to go home from the beach?

Lot features: public toilets, sinks, changing rooms, showers, easel, sculpting station, chess boards, baker's half-dozen stand, box car cafe, laundry line, telescopes, Grubb board, full playground, fire pits, BBQs, bar, fishing, music
EP and custom content: All custom content is included in a separate file; there are 32 CC items total. If you see anything you don't want, just don't install it and the game should automatically replace it with whatever the object was originally cloned from. This lot uses objects from both World Adventures and Ambitions. I don't know what'll happen if you try to install it without one or both of those EPs.
Custom content credit list and links to full sets:
Aikea Guinea @ ClubCrimsyn ~ vending machines
eryt96 @ TSR ~ SYL deck chair and ice box
lemoncandy @ MTS ~ cigarettes and ashtray
Naru Lambada Set ~ sign post, bar, stool, tiki umbrellas, two towels (need link!)
Plum @ MTS (oh wait that's me, ha) ~ hedgehogs and clovers pattern; chickens and strawberries pattern
Shoukeir ~ SH Fossil Bench (need link!)
kyta1702 @ Sims 3 Nieuws ~ douche flux los (that means shower or something)
tdyannd @ TSR ~ Breeze patio umbrella
Unknown ~ vintage transistor radio (TS2 version by Shannanigan @ TSR); surf board
Now this looks like a fun beach! Thanks!
Thank you for this. The beach is really cute and I love how you did provided the custom content. Most people either give you links, then you have to go to 20 or so different places on your own which is tedious, or they leave all the cc shoved into the sims3pack, but then you can't see what's going into your game and decide which ones you want.
I wish more people would do it this way. I'd download more lots with cc if they did, but for now I am happy with this one. Great job!
I took the time to check the creator's policies to see who was file-share-friendly and who wasn't. I was happy to find out that the majority of these creators agree that Sharing is Caring! There were a few items which I couldn't find a policy for, but I did my best to give credit.
I get so disappointed when I see a nice lot, and it's followed by a laundry list of CC you have to download one at a time. So I'm glad my efforts are appreciated! Yay!
Omg I love the Sims 3! I haven't played it in a while because I used to get hooked and play for hours! Cool Blog
hey this is cool. Thanks for the credit and I will link to this lot on my site :)
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